Fake sellers claim to be authentic? Please, do not be fooled by sellers who recklessly throw the word “Authentic” or “Real” around. On’t be fooled by their brazen lies, and read information below on McRaven coins and others. NOTE 1 : Please read, to know the difference between the REAL vs. The well done FAKE. We acquired our initial information from, The Commander’s Challenge website, in their ” Stolen Honor” section. We have personally provided pictures of other FAKE McRaven coins to The Commander’s Challenge, it is unfortunate people will take advantage of collector’s in this manner. In this advertisement which shows the comparisons. Versions 1 and 2 both have the 4 large stars across the top of the shiny gold color side and the proper markings on the edge as compared to fake versions. Condition: Used, and in nice shape. Enamel is hard baked. This coin is 1 15/16 inches in diameter (The fake is 2 inches in diameter). McRaven Commander United Stated Special Operations Command actual version #1 SOCOM challenge coin. NOTE 4: Never personally given any of the coins. All coins are guaranteed to be in excellent condition unless specified above. The free listing tool.